Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Ninth Meeting - Expression of Agreement and Disagreement (Exercise 3)

Good Morning Everybody

How are you today


Bertemu kembali di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX. Hari ini kita masih melanjutkan latihan kita mengenai ekspresi atau pernyataan persetujuan dan ketidaksetujuan (Agreement and Disagreement) yang ke-3. 

Sebelum itu, ayo cek dulu jawaban latihan ke-2 yang kalian kerjakan pada pertemuan sebelumnya di sini

Untuk hari ini, kerjakan 10 (sepuluh) buah nomor latihan di bawah ini dengan cara, Pertama, salin keseluruhan soal beserta teks wacana, dan keempat pilihan jawabannya (a, b, c, dan d) ke buku catatan bahasa Inggris kalian. Kedua, tentukan pilihan jawabannya yang kalian anggap paling tepat dengan memberi tanda silang pada setiap butir jawabannya. 

unduh soal diatas di sini

Tuliskan tanggal, judul pelajaran kita kali ini yaitu Expression of Agrement and Disagreement Exercise 3, dan Nama kalian di bagian atas halaman catatan kalian. Setelah itu kirimkan foto latihan kalian tersebut ke akun Whatsapp guru Bahasa Inggris kalian.

Good Luck

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Eighth Meeting - Expression of Agreement or Disagreement (Exercise 2)

Good Morning Everybody

How are you today

Bertemu kembali di pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas IX Online. Hari ini kita masih melanjutkan latihan kita mengenai ekspresi atau pernyataan persetujuan dan ketidaksetujuan (Agreement and Disagreement).

Sebelumnya, cek dulu jawaban latihan kalian pada pertemuan sebelumnya di sini

Masih menggunakan teks pada pertemuan kemarin. Kalau pada pertemuan sebelumnya kita latihan keterampilan mendengarkan atau LISTENING, hari ini kita akan latihan pemahaman dalam membaca atau READING COMPREHENSION. 

Read the following dialogue! (Baca kembali dialog di bawah ini!) 



You know, I am from the country and sometimes I miss it. But I really like life in the city! I love the city. Oh, look someone lost a bag. Maybe it’s theirs. Excuse me. I this bag yours?

Dr. Jill


No. It’s not mine. It might be hers.



Thank you. Excuse me, Is this bag yours?



No. It’s not mine. It might be his.



Thank you. Hello. Is this bag yours?



Yes, that’s mine. These are all my all travel things. Thank you, thank you!



Are you okay? You seem … nervous.



Well, this is my first visit to Washington, D.C. I’m from a small town in the country. I fell a little lost.



I am from the country too! And I understand When I first came here, I felt lost, all the time.



So, do you like living in the country or in the city?



I like to live in the city.






The city is exciting! It has more culture than the country. There are many museums and restaurant. Every night, there is theater and music. And, there are more jobs. That is why I’m here.



Well, I agree. There is more culture in the city and there might be more jobs. But the country has more nature! It’s peaceful and beautiful. There are more trees and mountains. The air is clean. You can go hiking and camping. The city is not beautiful. It’s noisy and dirty.



I disagree. I think all the different buildings are beautiful. And I like to watch all the different people.



That's another thing that is different. People in the country are friendly. They always say "hello!" Here, no one says "hello." I think city people are rude.



Well, I agree. Country people are friendly. But I don't think city people are rude. I think they're just busy.



That's a good point.



Look at me. I live in the city and I said "hello" to you.



But you are from the country.



I have an idea. Let's say "hello!" to people -- to many people!



What? Why?



Well, if we say "hello," maybe they will say "hello" to other people ... Hello!



... and they will say "hello" to more people! That's a great idea! I'm glad you found my bag.



Come on. Let's go say "hello" to people. We don't have to agree with people. They have their opinions. We have ours. And as we like to say, you can always agree to disagree! Until next time! Hello!

Soal Latihan

State T for true statements and F for false statements based on the dialog above. (Tuliskan huruf T apabila pernyataan nya benar (TRUE) dan huruf F apabila pernyataannya salah (FALSE) berdasarkan dialog di atas).






Anna lost her bag.




Anna likes to live in the city more than in a country.




The location of the conversation above is in Washington DC.




The lost bag belongs to Dr. Jill.




Anna thinks that city has more interesting culture.




Phil came from a city




Phil disagrees with Anna over the city’s condition.




According to Anna, the city people are rude.




Anna likes to see different people in the city.




Phil has an idea to say hello to many people in the city



Kerjakan 10 (sepuluh) buah nomor latihan diatas dengan cara: Pertama apabila kalian belum menyalin teks dialog pada pertemuan sebelumnya, kalian diharuskan menyalin teks dialog tersebut terlebih dahulu, pastikan jawaban nya benar. (Jawabannya telah dibagikan di grup Whatsapp). Kedua, kalian salin 10 soal latihan dalam tabel di atas di buku catatan pelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Ketiga, jawab soal-soal tersebut dengan menuliskan huruf "T" apabila statement atau pernyataannya benar dan huruf "F" apabila statement nya salah sesuai dengan dialog diatas pada tabel soalnya.

Tuliskan tanggaljudul pelajaran kita kali ini yaitu Expression of Agrement and Disagreement Exercise 2, dan Nama kalian di bagian atas halaman catatan kalian. Setelah itu kirimkan foto latihan kalian tersebut ke akun Whatsapp guru Bahasa Inggris kalian.

Good Luck

Ninth Exercise - Report Text Reading

Good Morning Everybody How are you today Pada pertemuan sebelumnya kita belajar Report Text sambil melatih keteraampilan mendeng...